Learn how to build a strong mind to succeed in everyday life with the 8 traits and easy-to-learn, proven techniques of mentally strong and successful people.

Trait 1: Share Your Story

Trait 2: Find Your Purpose

Trait 3: Silence The Noise

Trait 4: Develop Resilience & Perseverance

Trait 5: Create Your Own Luck

Trait 6: Learn How To Be Positive And Optimistic

Trait 7: Take Care Of Your Grass

Trait 8: Build Posimistiq Habits


What People Are Saying

5 Star Rate. Five Star. Black 5 Star Rate Concept

Very impressed!

This book is a must read for sure! I was looking for a positive, uplifting read this summer and this book is it. It’s an easy read that really dives into building mental strength and health and overall happiness. The book lays out realistic traits and techniques for building mental strength as well as providing real-life examples so you can instantly apply the techniques you learn to your own life. It’s easy to follow along and very thought provoking. Definitely a life-changing read!

James F. Tobin III

5 Star Rate. Five Star. Black 5 Star Rate Concept

Clear and powerful; couldn't put it down!

The Posimistiq Mind is powerful for everyone to read, no matter your life circumstances. Often a complex topic, the author thoughtfully structured and simply communicated key traits for building mental strength. The book put words to so many of my daily thoughts, feelings, and choices in a way that helped me digest and consider how to better approach achieving my purpose. It was perfectly timed for me as I recently made a significant career change to benefit my family. I will be referencing and implementing many techniques.

Steve Huber

KEYNOTE Speaking

Are you seeking to empower your team or students with a stronger mind?

Whether you're part of a business, university, sports team, or any other large group/community, we can help.

Our one-hour keynote speeches are tailored around the 8 traits and easy-to-learn proven techniques of The Posimistiq Mind.

Contact us today to bring the power of The Posimistiq Mind to your team and those you care about the most.

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